W/ O emulsions induce very slow release of antigen. 第一种是贮存效果,抗原从注射处缓慢的释放。
Methods: The biochemistry properties and the sensitivity to antibiotics of studied bacillus were tested, and the O antigen of studied bacillus was tested with slider agglutination test. 方法:检测试验菌株的生化特性和对抗生素的敏感性,以及用多种批号的诊断血清进行凝集试验。
Objective: To study the other properties of Shigella sonnei with "no" O antigen. 目的:研究O抗原“缺失”的宋内氏志贺菌其它生物学性状的变化情况。
O-antigen and R-core antigen were the important structure induced the platelet reaction and shock; O抗原及R-核心抗原是表现活性的必要结构;
Studies and Preliminary Application of Microagglutination Test for the Serotyping of O Antigen of E.coli Isolated from Chickens 微量凝集试验对鸡大肠杆菌O抗原血清型鉴定的研究及初步应用
Methods Biochemical test and slide agglutination test were used respectively to determine the biological characteristics and O antigen of strains; 方法生化试验和玻片凝集试验分别检测菌株的生化特性和菌体抗原;
Agglutination tests with gelatin particles sensitized by NT P BSA and ELISA with NT O BSA as coating antigen were made in 1334 specimens of serum. 用NTPBSA致敏明胶颗粒的凝集试验和NTOBSA为包被抗原的ELISA检测了1334份血清,发现1309例的两种试验结果一致,其中120例均为阳性。
Objective To study the correlation between CT appearance and the expression of blood group antigen ABH ( BGA) in peripheral non small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC). 目的探讨周围型非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的CT征象与ABH(O)血型抗原(BGA)表达的相关性。
This polarization phenomenon is mediated by tuberculous bacillus somatic ( O) antigen. 这种极化现象是由与斯奇康具有相似抗原特性的结核分支杆菌菌体抗原来介导的。
Methods A Dot-ELISA method was used to determine the specific antibodies of envelope antigen, O antigen and H d antigen in Salmonella. Then the results were compared with the results of Widal's reaction. 方法采用Dot-ELISA测定伤寒沙门菌包膜抗原V、菌体抗原O和鞭毛抗原Hd的特异性抗体,并与肥达氏反应相比较。
α-Galactosidase could hydrolyze the α galactose residues on the surface of human blood type B erythrocyte, resulting in the conversion of the B antigen to O antigen. α半乳糖苷酶因可水解人B型红细胞表面的α半乳糖残基,使B抗原结构变成O抗原结构,而成为B→O血型改造的工具酶。
The substrate specificity of O-antigen glycosyltransferases and polymerases are proposed. 讨论了O抗原糖基转移酶和聚合酶对底物的特异性;
Pathogenic effect of the O-antigen polysaccharide isolated from enteroinvasive Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide 肠侵袭性大肠埃希菌O抗原多糖的致病作用
Effect of PHA on immune response of rabbits to S. typhoid "o" antigen 植物血凝素对家兔抗伤寒O抗原特异性免疫的影响
The cross agglutination reaction between 14 Escherichia coli strains that caused urinal infection and sperm antigen were tested by rabbit anti-human sperm serum. 本研究初步观察了引起泌尿道感染的14个O血清群大肠菌株与人体精子抗原间的交叉反应结果。
Studies on the species-specific O antigen of Pseudomonas cocovenenans 椰毒假单胞菌种特异性O抗原因子(O-Ⅰ)的研究
Rapid detection of O_9 antigen of Salmonella by dot immuno-gold filtration assay 斑点免疫金渗滤法快速检测沙门氏菌O9抗原的研究
Production and characterization of monoclonal antibody against the O antigen of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli 出血性大肠杆菌单克隆抗体的制备与鉴定
Meanwhile, the assay potentially detects those systemic infections caused by Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum that possess common O antigen. 另外,该方法也能检测出与鸡白痢和鸡伤寒沙门氏菌有共同抗原的沙门氏菌感染产生的抗体。
They could been divided into four types and an atypical according to analysis of H antigen and three types based on O antigen test. 结果表明,按H抗原可将所试菌株分成四个型和不定型;
The results show O antigen gene cluster was amplified and cloned successfully. The recombinant plasmid was sequenced after identified and the sequences have been deposited in the GenBank database. 结果成功地扩增与克隆了O抗原基因簇,并进一步完成了序列测定。
Some pathogenic of Shigella boydii isolated from chicken can be studied based Sequence of O antigen genes cluster. O抗原基因簇序列的测定为鸡鲍氏志贺菌致病性研究奠定了基础。
There are four different species of Shigella based on the differences in O antigen and some biochemical reactions. 根据生化反应和O-抗原结构的不同,志贺氏菌可以分为四个群。